I'm with you von momito-chan (Are you sure?Ôo) ================================================================================ Kapitel 1: About playing cards, dangerous travel and a bridge ------------------------------------------------------------- This time it is an english MSTing.^^ Much fun! Momi^.~ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Scenery: Di, Hana and Momi are sitting on the sofa and playing cards, as in the radio, which is already on since two hours, plays the song “I`m with you” by Avril Lavigne. Momi: This girl wants to commit suicide?Ôo Di: What made you think of that?Oo Momi: Oh, come on. Nobody is standing on a bridge just for fun. At the very most because of a traffic jam.-.- Di: If you say so.-.- Hana: *taps Momi* Hey, it`s your turn. Momi: Okay. *lays a card* Di, you have to draw two cards. *g* Momi: Okay, which pig stood her up? Hana: Momi, concentrate on the game, please.-.- Di: You too, Hana. *lays a card* You have to draw four cards. *g* Hana: Damn it. Not again!>.< *draws four cards* Di: XP Momi: The hope dies at least, right?-.- *lays a card* Momi: *Irony* Yes, sure. There`s no bridge, no town, no people, just rain.-.- Momi: Girl, there CANNOT be footsteps on the ground, because every normal human wears shoes on a bridge, you know? Di & Hana: XD Di: What?! No sound?! Impossible!O.O Momi: Exactly. You are on a bridge, girl, there have to be row like hell.-.- Hana: Hello-ho! Is anyone still playing cards with me? Momi & Di: *simultaneous* Sorry. Momi: Oh~ the poor, poor girl got lost. A bag of pity. Di: *opens the bag* Bag: Muahahaha! Momi: That`s the false bag, Di.-.- Di: Sorry. I always confuse the one with the other.^^° Momi: It’s uncomfortable on a bridge, isn’t it?-.- Hana: Uhm… Momi… That sounded a little bit suggestive…^^° Momi: Really?Oo Hana: Uhm… Yes… Momi: Oh man!T^T Di & Hana: Only women are in here, you know?-.- Momi: Should I say “Oh woman” or what?XD Di & Hana: You’re right. That sounds stupid.XD Momi: It’s REALLY damn cold in here. *is freezing* Di: Hana, have you forgotten to close the window AGAIN?<`____´< Hana: *annoyed* I beg your pardon, Your Royal Highness! I go and close the window immediately! *rolleyes* *stands up and close the window* Momi: What’s wrong with you, Hana?Ôo Hana: *sits again* Nothing. I’m just a little bit mad-humoured.-.- Hana: *Shakespeare-like* To be or not to be, that’s the question! Di & Momi: That fits.XD Hana: By the way “fitting”, my card fits. Mau mau.X3 Di & Momi: Oh no!Oo Hana: You have no idea, how much I needed that!X3 Di: *Irony* Oh, are you frightening, poor girl? Momi: You should be frightening, Di. I have only one card left. And you four.X3 Di: I don’t think so. *lays a card* Now be so nice and draw two cards.^___^ Momi: Shit.>.< *draws two cards* Hana: XD The game isn’t finished before the last card is lying on the pile, right?XD Momi & Di: Exactly.-.- Momi: Wait a minute. I’m a little bit irritated. Didn’t she want to home?Ôo Di: Actually, yes.Ôo Momi: Then why she wants now to go to a new place? I don’t get it.>.< Di & Hana: *simultaneous* Me too.>.< Momi: But you want to be taken by him to a new place. O-KAY.-.- Di: Momi, your turn.^____^ *has only one card left* *Momi too* Momi: Let me take a look. *suddenly smiles* Di: I don’t like it, when she smiles.Oo Momi: And that has a good reason. *lays her card* Mau mau.X3 Di: Oh no! *sad* Hana: Don’t worry. We play again.^___^ Momi: That sounds, as if she is at death’s door and says to someone, that she will always be with the person in the person’s heart.Oo Di: For me it sounds like Stutter-Bill out of Stephen King’s “ES”XD Di: You see, girl, you can say that without stuttering.^___^ Momi: Oh, I forgot, it’s a damn cold night there, so you’re looking for a warm place. Hana: But below a bridge she won’t find that place.XD Momi: Have you lost your own?Ôo Di & Hana: *split their sides laughing* Momi: Where should I know that from?Ôo <'Cause nothing's going right> Di: How right you are. *sigh* I’m losing again.Û.U Di: *looks around* When did you tidy up your room last time, Momi? It looks here, like a bomb had stroke.Ôo Momi: Hey! If you had rearranged the whole furniture, your room would have looked much worse.-.- Momi: Me too. But do I have a choice?-.- Di: What are you talking about?Ôo Momi: I’m sure, you have no idea, how many times I have to be several hours alone at home.-.- Di: Oh, I got it. But the girl means “to be alone the whole time”, you know? Momi: Where’s the bag of pity right now? Di: Somewhere. No idea. Why? Momi: Than, it doesn’t matter. Di: Oo Momi: Listen, if the home doesn’t come to you, you have to go to the home.^^ Momi: Not really. I’m warm.^___^ Hana: I’m not surprised. You wear a thick sweater.-.- Momi: You aren’t the only one, who has that problem.-.- Di: The life is full of surprises and you never know, what’s coming next.^^ Momi: Sweet! She wants to go with someone hand in hand.X3 Di: Let’s play one more time Mau mau.^0^ Hana & Momi: Okay.^^ Di: *shuffles the deck and hands out six cards to Momi, Hana and herself* Momi: *looks at her own cards* Girl, you know, that travelling in other countries can be very dangerous. Di: Especially if you’re not vaccinated. *lays a card* Diamonds, please.^^ Hana: And even more dangerous is to travel with a person, you don’t know. *lays a card* Draw two cards, Momi.X3 Momi: Not yet. *lays a card* Di, draw four cards please.X3 Di: Damn it.>.< *draws four cards* Hana: Now you know, how I felt last time.X3 Di: Stutter-Bill’s back!XD Momi: *Irony* She isn’t tired of life, is she?-.- Di: Why do you think so?Ôo Momi: Do you know one person, who wants to travel voluntarily with a stranger?-.- Di: Of course not. Momi: You see?-.- Momi: *Irony* I don’t know. Maybe because you want to travel with a stranger?-.- Di: Momi, draw two cards, please.X3 Momi: *growls* *draws two cards* Momi: Everything is possible.XD Momi: XDDDD Hana: What’s the matter?Ôo Momi: I had to think about a German song called “Da da da”.XD Momi: You should wear something warm, really. Momi: Wait a minute, “this” life?Ôo Di: Yes.Ôo Momi: How many lives has she got?Ôo Di: Maybe, nine. Like a cat. Momi: I won’t be surprised, if that’s indeed true.-.- Momi: *as the girl* What are you waiting for? Take me by the hand! I don’t have a plenty of time! Hana: *laughs* Di: *clears her throat* Uhm, Momi, I don’t want to pass the eternity here too, so please play a card.Ó.Ò Momi: Oh, right, it’s my turn.^^° *plays a card* Draw two cards, Hana.X3 Hana: *thinks* Oh great.-.- *draws two cards without saying something* Momi: For the last time: travelling is dangerous!>.< Di: Especially you should take care of the game situation, Momi.X3 Momi: Why? Di: Well, let me explain that this way: You have five cards, me and Hana have at a time one card and it’s my turn. Got it?X3 Momi: This is a normal game situation, isn’t it?Ôo Di: Okay, I let speak my card. *plays her card* Draw two cards, Momi. Oh, and: Mau mau.X3 Momi: And for the last time: travelling with a stranger is quite more dangerous!>.< Di: Don’t forget, Momi, you have to draw two cards.X3 *sips apple spritzer* Momi: That must be a fault. *lays a card* You meant four cards for sure, didn’t you? And not me have to draw but Hana.X3 Hana: Oh, I’m so sorry, but I can’t do that. *lays her card* Because of that.X3 Momi: Oh no, I have lost! *laughs* All three: *laugh* Momi: That’s dangerous!>.< … Ah, forget it! I give it up! She will do it anyway.-.- Di: You’re right. She won’t learn that anyway.-.- Hana: Maybe that’s some kind of rap?Ôo Momi: I don’t think so.-.- Di: Although… I’ve heard, rap was called in former times stutter and was curable.XD Momi: The famous last words.XD Hana: So much for that.-.- Di: The End.-.- Momi & Hana: The End indeed.^^ *turn off the radio* Hosted by Animexx e.V. (http://www.animexx.de)